Menopause, the event in Milan and online for the new over 50s

Nonew awareness and a new vision of menopause. In the September issue of the magazine North American Menopause Association an editorial was published entitled: “It’s time to wake up: vasomotor symptoms and sleep disorders have repercussions on women’s work activities”.

Menopause, expert advice and tailor-made therapies

Menopause and work: a change is needed

The editorial comments on the results of one survey in which 691 women participated indicating as i menopausal disorders, especially hot flashes and insomnia, can reduce women’s working efficiency also in terms of fewer hours worked with a consequent huge economic damage. Today women are much more present in the world of work, unfortunately still too few at the top. The lengthening of the average lifespan and the postponement of the retirement age in many European countries has focused attention on the women over 50 in the world of work.

In Great Britain above all a sort of was established leave for menopausal symptoms It is currently also in the USA the Department for Women’s Employment which is dealing with this age group.

Menopause is no longer the beginning of old age

The lengthening of the average lifespan and the great improvement in people’s socio-economic conditions, at least in the richest countries, forces us to reconsider the concept of menopause and its repercussions on women’s lives.

If until not many years ago the Menopause was considered the onset of old age and women were therefore told that they had to accept everything that entails, today with a period of 30 years still to live and above all with a new role and a new well-being the women going through menopause rightly ask for answers to all the problems that this period entails.

Menopause awareness? Still little

If on the one hand there is a great increase in interest in this age group, if only for the number of women involved and therefore also a great economic interest from a consumption perspective, on the other hand there is evidently still a lack of awareness of the real problems and possible solutions. Just look at the very low percentage of Italian women who take hormone replacement therapy.

A new beginning, not an end

In reality menopause can be seen as a new period, not an end but a new beginning, that of mature age. The women still feel young And protagonists of their lives and they often demonstrate that they experience this moment as a turning point that allows them to live well now and lay the foundations for a healthy old age.

Menopause: laying the foundation for a healthy old age

Many studies have shown us that women who are more informed are those who experience this period better and therefore it is important to research and do so from qualified sources and work as a team.

Zero pause Play start: the event on September 22nd

With these premises, Manuela Peretti and I who with great ability have created a Instagram community called Manupausawe started working together a few years ago and organized a first event that will take place in Milan in Corso di Porta Romana 61, at Le Village By CA Milano The 22 September entitled – Zero pause Play start – (to register

Manuela Peretti, founder of the blog @manupausa

Experts talk about menopause

On this occasion we will propose a new way of looking at menopause considering the current narrative of this phase of women’s lives, which will be told to us by Viviana Musumeci of Cocooners, trying to change it and transform it into a new starting point and we will do this with the help of three women who will tell their story. They will be with us Alessandra Cecchini, a well-known plastic surgeon who has always dealt with aesthetics. He will tell us about the beauty of women and their desire to stay young and about his experience.

Then there will be Monica Re Founder and President of one of the most important communication agencies with which we will address the issue of work and reinvention and Sabina Cassinari who will tell us about her experience as a sportswoman.

A questionnaire to take stock

Speaking of work, we will also present the data from a questionnaire which will show the Italian reality of working women and what difficulties they have encountered with menopause.

There will be other doctors in the room with me who will answer the participants’ questions and coordinate all of us Nicoletta, journalist and speaker of RTL. It will perhaps also be the first time that Menopause will be addressed from the male point of view both in everyday life and in the world of work through the testimony of two men.

You can also participate online

It will be possible for those who are unable to be present in person (subject to registration) to connect online. To lighten the drama we will then see an excerpt from a successful comedy that addresses these themes of Cheproblemace company which will make us laugh a few times with self-irony.

The Konenki Association is born

However, the event will have a sequel and will also be useful for us present a new Association which has the aim of informing and guiding women approaching menopause in their choices, making them meet and discuss and giving them the right references. L’association is called KONENKI which is the name by which the menopause period is called in Japan and means transition, turning point, life change.

