Menopause: prevention goes to the theater in Milan

PRevention in theater, laughter in awareness. It happens in Milan, al Guanella Theatre via Duprè 19 where it makes its debut on 8 March Women like us 2 project conceived by Maria Grazia Santamaria and Micaela Turrisi of the Cheproblemacè theater company for years engaged in the fight against feminicide. The distribution and production is by Creadiva Human Attitude Lab of Valeria Scaglia. The theatrical event is followed by a talk with the experts from the Humanitas center for her by Humanitas San Pio X in Milan which reinterprets the show in a prevention key and offers information on how to protect women’s health in menopause.

Laughter and prevention

Protagonists of comedy Valeria Scaglia, Maria Grazia Santamaria And Micaela Turrisi which they impersonate three women who overcome “the doors” find themselves living a new “era” between virtual and real love stories, experience anxieties, new awareness and the difficulty of surviving in an illusory social world. Sixty minutes, fun and self-deprecating in which we chat about women and reflect on their world, their fragility and their strength. The comedy leaves room for some important ones reflections on women’s health and prevention. First of all the importance of having regular checkups because it increases with age the incidence of pathologies not only gynecological.

What to know about menopause

Prevention is also knowledge of oneself and one’s body, the body change due to the different incidence of estrogen, which could make you say welcome to a swollen belly and loss of muscle tone – loss of skin elasticity and radiance. Situations to live without regrets Finally, there are many tools for dealing with problems of the genital sphere (discharge, pain, dryness…), which could affect sexuality and therefore quality of life.

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Expert advice

They will talk about this at the end of the show the doctors of Humanitas protagonists of this innovative theater prevention format: Raffaela Di Pacegynecologist and clinical sexologist, Martha Brumanadermatologist and Mary Bravonutritionist biologist.

A women’s health center

The prevention formula at the theater is also an opportunity to make the center known to the spectators and to the city Humanitas for her is dedicated by Humanitas Saint Pius X to women’s health at every stage of life. From adolescence to childbearing age, up to menopause. A multidisciplinary team of hospital specialists follows women of all ages with attention to the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of the main female pathologies, through specialist visits and specific tests.

How many women are involved in prevention

Although prevention is a key factor for safeguarding women’s health – the managers of the center underline -, most Italian women have not been screened for cancer, heart disease, diabetes or sexually transmitted diseases/infections in the last year.

Not forgetting that, in recent years, the incidence of tumors has increased. The most frequent for women: breast cancer (55,700 cases), colorectal cancer (22,100), lung cancer (14,600), endometrial cancer (10,200) and thyroid cancer (8,700).

