Menopause, no longer a taboo. Of beauty and more

Sthere are menopause issues taboos still difficult to overcome. The reason is that there is too little talk about it. To stimulate dialogue and increase knowledge, invitations to talk about it are multiplying, just as there are more and more in-depth books and supportive beauty and wellness initiatives. The aim is to help us understand exactly what the event of existence that all women have in common entails, helping us to gain confidence to deal with it in the best way. Let’s find out what’s new.

Menopause, expert advice and tailor-made therapies

What happens to the skin in menopause, a word from the dermatologist

What happens to the skin in this phase of life explains Corinna Rigoni, President of Women Dermatologe Italia. «Hormones are responsible for the well-being of the skin. Estrogens, in particular, when present in the right quantity, guarantee vitality and luminosity to the skin. Their decrease leads to less protection from the action of free radicalsit’s a lower production efficiency of fibroblastscells responsible for the production of collagen and elastin.”

«With time and the number of estrogens decreasing, the skin begins to lose vitalityand this process already occurs during the peri-menopause (around 45-50 years), when the skin begins to change its structure becoming increasingly drier, thinner and less toned.” «Subsequently, during the menopause (50-60 years) and the post-menopause (over 60 years), the epidermis undergoes further changesand takes on an increasingly thin consistency, particularly stiff and dry, and with more evident wrinkles.

«The cosmetic routine must change starting from around the age of 45, and favor creams with large doses of water and oils, emollient ingredients capable of softening the skin. The ingredients to favor are hydrating hyaluronic acid omega 3-6-9 lipid-replenishing and toning collagen. Yes to the use of serums and boosters, concentrated formulas that provide extra doses of these components.”

Martina Colombari and Vichy for the skin

Miss Italy in 1991 and then cinema, television, fashion and, in the last period, a lot of theatre. Martina Colombari, 48 years old, energetic, curious and vital, through her page Instagram shares her values ​​and, with her example, encourages a large audience of women to live peacefully in their relationship with their body, the time that passes and the phases that they go through, including, indeed, menopause.

«It’s just a phase of one’s femininitywe must not think that life ends then. It is not a physical or social limit. Many don’t even talk about it with their friends, they minimize the inconveniences and don’t face them. And that’s very wrong.” explains Martina, new beauty ambassador of the Vichy skincare range dedicated to the skin in this phase of life.

Martina Colombari is the new face for Neovadiol Vichy 2024

«Knowing that you are undergoing a very normal change means learning to recognize the symptoms, to deal with them promptly and correctly, also with regards to skincare, which must be modified», continues Colombari.

Thus, the actress decided to be the face of the campaign «No pause in menopause» Of Vichy because she represents a dynamic and successful woman, who contributes with her example to demonstrating that menopause is associated with weakness and aging. The cosmetic brand has formulated Neovadiol Specific creams for women in For the-Menopause and Post-menopause, to be applied after Serum Meno 5 Bi-Serum of support for both skin conditions, designed to combat signs on the skin linked to hormonal variations.

Maye Musk, from former model to icon against ageism

A simple and immediate way to approach menopause is to read a book. Real life experiences are always very effective. In this sense the volume helps A woman must have a plan (Giunti Editore) written by Maye Musk (yes, she is the mother of the king of electric vehicles) who, in the preface of the book, claims that «I know I can also take some risks, as long as I am prepared».

The 75-year-old woman who “had to start over several times” talks about how she managed to overcome adversity. Having escaped an abusive marriage after ten years of abuse, she explains how she juggled numerous jobs before achieving success as a model and a nutritionist, how she battled and dealt with weight issues and age stereotypes in a hyper-selective environment of fashion.

Nutrition and menopause, find out more

Another interesting text concerns nutrition, which must necessarily be modified during the menopause phase due to hormonal variations. Fit for women. The right food for every moment of life, of the nutritional biologist Anglica Cesena (Giunti Editore), offers a complete guide to nutrition that has the well-being of women as its priority.

The author’s approach aims above all at dispel false myths and to avoid giving up. For example, to counteract the so-called “hot flashes”, the intense sweating typical of the menopause period, the omega-3 contained in fish, seeds and avocado seem to be useful. Foods that, however, seem to trigger these symptoms are spicy foods, hot drinks, caffeine and alcoholic drinks.

Experts who answer doubts about menopause

There are more and more initiatives which are aimed at women to help them undertake a path of awareness and information regarding menopause. After Zero Pause Play Start, organized in Milan last September 22nd by the gynecologist and sexologist Raffaela Di Pace with Manuela Perettifounder of the blog @manupausa, on October 4th it was the turn of MenopauseBoost-Spritz, a meeting that suggests meditation to face and manage change.

MenopauseBoost is an association that organizes meetings to encourage dialogue on menopause, and offers the support of medical specialists on problems related to menopause

MenopauseBoost-Menopause Revolution it’s a project by Michela Taccolaan aesthetic medicine tester who describes and tests firsthand on his site Faceboost and on social media all the aesthetic medicine treatments he tries.

«Born a few months ago as a session of mine social, today it has 1,400 members since its inception became an association at the beginning of the year”, explains the founder. «The purpose of this non-profit, non-partisan, secular and apolitical social promotion initiative is to inform women, together with men, about this physical condition, putting There is also a staff of doctors available who respond online. Among these there are gynecologists, endocrinologists, nutritionists, trichologists and specialists in psychiatry and sleep medicine.”

