Menopause diet to lose 7 kilos: all the menus

ccorrect food style And move more they should help not to gain weight at any stage of life, but above all not to gain too much weight even during menopause, when hormonal and metabolic reasons favor the accumulation of fat and the loss of muscle mass. It often happens that even women who are more attentive to nutrition and physical activity increase the circumference of their hips, belly and breasts. Brisk walks, Pilates, swimming, jogs or twice-weekly sessions in the gym with the Personal Trainer seem to be no longer enough and clothes are getting tighter and tighter anyway.
But something can be done! We spoke to the Doctor Federica Almondo, Specialist in Food Science and Nutritionistpartner AMIA (Italian Anti-Aging Doctors Association) And SINUT (Italian Society of Nutraceuticals). She is an expert in Ketogenic Therapies (Nutriketo Scientific Association) and in Nutritional Medicine and Metabolomics (EINu.M European Institute of Nutritional Medicine). Dr. Almondo is also co-founder of Cerva 16 Nutrition and Anti-aging Center.

Doctor Federica Almondo, Specialist in Food Science and Nutritionist,

Why do we often gain weight during menopause, especially breasts, hips and buttocks?

Menopause coincides with hormonal changes that are sometimes gradual and sometimes sudden. Increase cortisol, decrease progesterone and estrogen, and the decline of the latter involves a contemporary increased androgen activity (typically male hormones). This situation involves a change in “internal” body composition.

In particular, you will have a accumulation of abdominal fatwhich is a type of fat called visceral, pro-inflammatory and metabolically harmful because it is related to many pathologies (such as cardio-vascular ones or cancer) and there will be a contemporary one loss of muscle mass.

Because you also lose muscle

Furthermore, in about 1 in 5 women, hormonal changes (especially if they are very rapid) also cause a accumulation of fat in the breasts, which will be particularly “resistant” and difficult to eliminate. This explains why the shapes of the menopausal woman change even with stable weight. The proportions between fat mass and lean mass change: fat accumulates in the belly and muscle is lost in the arms and legs.

Lose weight in menopause, the tricks to stay fit

The benefits of healthy eating even before menopause

Scientific research has shown that the women of normal weight but with unhealthy eating habits are more likely to gain weight in menopause. The habit of one healthy diet in childbearing age is therefore the first step to prepare well for the new phase.

In addition to weight gain, menopause is unfortunately very often accompanied by hot flashes, swelling, water retention due to the accumulation of toxins and water in the extracellular matrixmood swings, drop in energy, difficulty concentrating. Lnutrition can help a lotboth to mitigate these symptoms by improving the hormonal balance, and to prevent all those pathologies to which this condition predisposes.

The risks associated with hormonal changes

Hormonal changes, in fact, increase the risk of the onset of cardiovascular diseasesOf insulin resistanceOf diabetes, obesity and other metabolic pathologies favored, for example, by the increase in cortisol. The main objectives of nutrition in menopause are therefore two: improve the estrogen/progesterone ratio to relieve hot flashes, swelling, water retention and mood swings e keep excess cortisol and insulin at bay, related to each other and mainly responsible for the increase in body fat. The visceral fat in excess, in turn, secretes too much leptin, which causes a blackout in the hunger – satiety mechanism and thus establishes a vicious circle that feeds overweight.

What are the fundamental principles to improve the food style in menopause?

Here are some tips to be applied dailywithout forgetting that sometimes a dinner with friends and without too many thoughts is good and relieves stress!

Bread and pasta: how to eat them

Replace refined grains like white pasta and bread with those integralnow available in all supermarkets;

Vary the types of grains as much as possible. There are not only pasta, rice and bread, but also quinoa, buckwheat pasta, emmer, barley, etc. In this way we also protect the health of the intestinal floraessential for strengthening the immune system, to improve mood and for health in general.

Why combine dried fruit with fruit or sugar

When they wear out cereals or sugars, always combine a source of protein and/or good fats to lower the insulin peak. For example, pasta or rice should not be eaten by

alone but always combined with legumes or fish, even as a single dish. If it wears out fruit as a snack, add some dried fruit or a piece of Parmesan.

Why eat vegetables with every meal in menopause

There vegetables must always be present at the table. Rich in fiber, lower the glycemic load of the meal and helps intestinal regularity. In menopause the intestine tends to become sluggish. It is also a very important source of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants for an efficient metabolism and for lower inflammation and oxidative stress which accelerate our aging by favoring the onset of age-related diseases.

Eighty percent satiation: the Japanese teaching

Lower your calorie intake by approximately 20-30% depending on the Japanese practice “Hara Hachi Bu” of Okinawans, an island famous for its healthy centenarians. Getting up from the table only 80% fullMeaning what still with a slight appetite (not with hunger), it means counteract excess cortisol and it’s also an easy way to control excessive calorie intake and inflammation.

Plus tryptophan and magnesium

Increase tryptophan and magnesium to control stress and cortisol. We do this by consuming regularly Whole grains (at every meal, even in the evening, obviously in the right quantities), preferring green leafy vegetables and legumes, and inserting some dried fruit and a few pieces of dark chocolate or some cocoa.

Less animal fats and more Omega 3

Decrease animal fats and increase the consumption of omega 3, fats with an anti-inflammatory action that also protect against cardiovascular diseases. We find them especially in the blue fish such as mackerel, anchovies and sardines, salmon (but not farmed, it has low levels of omega 3 and high levels of pollutants), and for example, also inavocado.

Vitamin D and calcium with the right diet

By following the advice listed above, proper attention is also ensured calcium and vitamin Dtwo allies who fight and prevent osteoporosis.

Proteins to protect muscle mass

Make sure you introduce the right amount of at each meal protein to protect muscle mass. Fish, meat in moderation, legumes at least 3-4 times a week And low-fat cheeses maximum 2 times a week.

Eggs don’t raise cholesterol and are precious in menopause

And the egg? They contain high biological value proteins, are versatile (scrambled, sunny side up, omelette, hard-boiled), cheap and quick to prepare. They can be consumed 6 a week without any fear of raising cholesterol: studies have in fact shown that eggs not only have no impact on total cholesterol, but instead have beneficial effects on lipid metabolism, especially if consumed with “soft” red. Finally, eggs and fish increase leptin sensitivity by positively regulating hunger.

An example of a weekly menu to follow

And here is an example of a weekly menu that includes breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks, designed by Doctor Federica Almondo based on the advice you gave us in the article. The proposal of herbal teas, green or ginger tea, soy milk and fruit always combined with dried fruit is interesting. The table can be printed and kept close at hand, perhaps in the kitchen. To plan the meals of the week in advance and gradually get used to a food style more suitable for women around 50 and in menopause. The benefits will come soon, with a flatter belly, higher energy and an improvement in daily activity, including mental activity.

example of weekly menu by Dr. Federica Almondo

Is it possible to lose 7 kilos in a healthy way and in the right time?

It is certainly possible, but only and exclusively with a personalized diet created ad hoc by an expert who first carefully analyzed the person’s eating habits. There are different dietary strategies and to be applied differently from person to person. But the ultimate goal will always be that lose weight understood as excess fat, while preserving the muscles as much as possible. Finally, we must consider that each of us has a different metabolism, a starting hormonal situation and a different compliance with the diet. For this reason we need to allow ourselves time to change habits in a healthy and appropriate way, first of all consolidating the results obtained to avoid the very harmful yo-yo effect.

