Men spray scooter driver pepper spray in his eyes and steal scooter

A group of men stole a scooter from a 19-year-old man on Wednesday evening in the area of ​​the Overloop and Deltaweg in Helmond. That happened around a quarter past eleven in the evening. Shortly before, the scooter driver was sprayed in his eyes with a corrosive substance, presumably pepper spray.

The group of three or four men drove by in a dark car. According to the police, the men were interested in the scooter, after which the corrosive substance was sprayed into the eyes of the scooter rider.

The victim tried to get away on his scooter, but the pain in his eyes caused him to fall. The men saw their chance and took the scooter with them. They left for the Brouwhuis station in Helmond.

young offenders
Police have a description of two perpetrators. It would be a boy of about seventeen years old with a light house color, about 1.70 meters tall. The assailant had “striking bright blue eyes and straight white teeth,” police said. He was wearing a (light) blue vest.

The second perpetrator would be about eighteen or nineteen years old and also has a light skin color. He has a slim build and was wearing a black hooded sweater.

People with tips can contact the police.
