Memo Remigi returns to Rai and apologizes: here’s what he said

GThat cost them dearly groping to the bottom of Jessica Morlacchi during transmission Today is another day on Rai1. Almost two years of distancing from public TV. But today Memo Remigi, 85 years old, most of which he spent in front of the cameras as a singer, composer and television host, he appeared on the small screen again. He also sent a message about respect for women to all men (including himself).

Memo Remigi kicked out for harassment on

“Sentence served”, this afternoon 2 February Memo Remigi appeared on the small screen again. Guest of the program Pierluigi Diaco BellaMa on Rai 2, the artist was visibly emotional. And without waiting for uncomfortable questions, he immediately decided to address the topic. Here’s what he said.

Memo Remigi, a new beginning?

After two years of exclusion from the small screen, he confessed his state of mind. «I’m very excited, you don’t know how much! I feel like I’m making my television debut. Despite having it behind him sixty years of career with three years of apprenticeship».

And he also recalled an episode from many years ago as if to justify his return. «Maurizio Costanzo, who has always supported me, told me a phrase that struck me greatly and that I will remember forever: ‘”in life, when someone makes a mistake they shouldn’t be condemned but they should be helped”».

Memo Remigi’s live apology

«I wanted to reiterate my apologies to the company and above all to the public: I am convinced that we all make mistakes in life and in my sixty-year career I have made several mistakes, more or less serious. What I did it was an act of great recklessnessThat it cost me a lot», said the Lombard singer, author of many songs that have been part of the history of Italian song.

(Photo by Vincenzo Lombardo/Getty Images)

«An innocent and joking gesture»

On his profile Instagram, that day in October 2022, the singer apologized for having «offended the sensitivity of Jessica Morlacchi and all the viewers. However, I would like to point out that what happened, certainly unsuccessful compared to his intentions, it was just an innocent and playful gesture towards an esteemed work colleague” wrote Memo Remigi.

«Woe to being disrespectful, especially to a woman»

But this afternoon, February 2, 2024, the artist reiterated the concept and indeed took it as a starting point to give a message to all men. «Woe betide anyone who lacks respect, especially towards a woman. I am the first to carry forward this fundamental principle, especially in the life of a man: a man cannot take advantage of certain situations, to make a woman feel weaker, to put her in a state of inferiority. Making certain gestures towards a woman I think she is demeaning to man himself: he is no longer a man, he is an unspeakable person”, he said firmly during the broadcast on Rai2.

