Members’ meeting in the live ticker: Hertha President Bernstein “hurts the second league much less than feared”

As of: October 15, 2023 12:31 p.m

The Hertha BSC general meeting is taking place in exhibition hall 21. Right from the start there was excitement: Chairman of the Supervisory Board Klaus Brüggemann announced his resignation. President Kay Bernstein praised the club’s course. We’ll be there live for you.

12:15 p.m

We continue with the report from the Presidium. President Kay Bernstein addressed a few words to the members via video message from the hospital. “Actually, I should have been on stage now, but unfortunately there was an accident. It was still important to me to explain to you where we think the club currently stands.”

The second league may not be the goal for the future, but it hurts much less than feared, says the president. There are now celebrated leaders and a spectacular style of play. “The sporting change has been successful. We have a team that is fun and brings us joy.”

Some people accuse me of betraying their values. But it was a situation where there was no alternative and, if we hadn’t gotten a main sponsor, we would have had to lay off 20 more employees.

Bernstein also praises the work of managing director Thomas Herrich, who has to carry out a restructuring of the club that is unique in football in Germany. Sponsors are also needed for this. The president is satisfied with the cooperation with investor 777 Partners. Everything would go as agreed.

Bernstein also has something to say about the controversial new jersey sponsor Crazybuzzer. “Some people accuse me of betraying the values. But it was a situation where there was no alternative and, if we hadn’t gotten a main sponsor, we would have had to lay off 20 more employees. That was for me and the managing director Thomas Herrich is not an option.” He can understand the displeasure of some members, but if you have to take branches or detours from the actual path, you have not lost sight of the goal.

President Kay Bernstein with his video message from the hospital.

11:44 am

Now the chair of the meeting, Dr. Dirk Lentfer describes the procedure of the event and the agenda, which includes a total of 18 points. Due to this volume, the talk format known from the last two general meetings will be canceled this time and it will be much more formal in order to save time. Before the reports from the executive committee and the presentation of the balance sheet for the past season, the first thing on the program is to honor deceased, deserving and long-standing members. The various proposals will then be voted on before those responsible for the professional football department answer questions from the members.

11:28 a.m

Coach Pal Dardai now enters the stage to thunderous applause. In his short speech, he promises to continue on the “Berlin path” he has chosen. He also formulates a clear goal by the winter break. “We want to reach fourth or fifth place by Christmas,” says the coach, receiving approval from the room.

11:26 a.m

Brüggemann himself also commented to rbb|24:

It’s bitter when you have an attitude and are questioned, excluded and for many vanities and claims to power are more important than the club.


In the absence of Kay Bernstein, Vice President Fabian Drescher opens the general meeting at 11:07 a.m. He steps in for the injured president and wishes him his recovery. Applause sounds in the hall. The sporting managers Andreas Neuendorf, Benjamin Weber and coach Pal Dardai were also loudly welcomed by the fans. Drescher then confirmed Brüggemann’s resignation to the members and read out his statement. In it, Brüggemann primarily expresses sharp criticism of President Kay Bernstein. Although he is certainly a nice person in his private life, he is clearly overwhelmed by his presidential office. Brüggemann doesn’t want to bend his ways and therefore leave the club. At the same time, supervisory board member Renate Döhmer also announced her resignation, Drescher reported afterwards.

Two Hertha BSC players celebrate a goal against Tennis Borussia.  (Source: Imago/ Matthias Koch)

Hertha wins clearly against Tennis Borussia when Gersbeck returns


11:06 a.m

The general meeting hasn’t really started yet, but there’s already the first bang: Immediately before the start of the event, the chairman of the supervisory board, Klaus Brüggemann, announced his resignation. This was reported first “kicker” and “Picture”. “If vanity and claims to power are more important than the club, then something is going wrong with our old lady,” Brüggemann told the “kicker” on Sunday morning and added: “I won’t bend, I’d rather leave.” Actually, the members should have decided today whether to vote Brüggemann out of office.

10:50 am

Welcome to the live ticker of the Hertha BSC general meeting. The doors to exhibition hall 21 are open and fans are slowly streaming in. The mood is relaxed and most people still seem to be in good spirits. What lies ahead of you is probably a day-long event with many important program items. Presidium members are to be re-elected, the chairman of the supervisory board Klaus Brüggemann is up for deselection and goalkeeper Marius Gersbeck wants to speak to the members. The event is scheduled to begin here at 11 a.m.

What on the General meeting becomes important

Without President Kay Bernstein will be a second division soccer team Hertha BSC hold its general meeting on Sunday. After an accident at the office Last Wednesday, the 43-year-old was in the Martin Luther Hospital and will connect via video to the members present in exhibition hall 21.

The Hertha BSC general meeting will take place next Sunday.

What will be important at the Hertha BSC general meeting

Hertha BSC invites you to the general meeting on Sunday. The topics are numerous and controversial: The pardoned Marius Gersbeck presents himself to the members, places in the presidium are re-elected and a motion for deselection is fought out.more

Amber is after the Pardon of goalkeeper Marius Gersbeck, who beat a 22-year-old to the point of hospitalization at a training camp in Austria in the summer, was criticized. The 28-year-old goalkeeper himself will face the members in the exhibition hall.

In addition, the second division team will complete its executive committee and the chairman of the supervisory board, Klaus Brüggemann, will – once again – have to submit a motion to be voted out. The 64-year-old sports manager and entrepreneur had to endure such an application last November. At that time, the necessary three-quarters majority was missed51.6 percent of the members present voted for deselection.

A detailed preliminary report on the general meeting read here.

Broadcast: rbb UM6, October 15, 2023, 6 p.m
