“Melancholia”: Chiara Dynys’ solo show in Gallarate (Varese)

Chiara Dynys, “Kaleidos”, 2020, installation (@Museo MA * GA, Courtesy the Artist).

S.i headlines Melancholia the one-man show dedicated to the artistic career of Chiara Dynyswhich explores the filmic imagery and the love for cinema of the Mantuan artist.

She does so also through the suggestions and influence that four film makers – Rossellini, Fellini, Von Trier and Campion – have had on her.

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Chiara Dynys,

Chiara Dynys, “Aurora. Antro della Sibilla ”, 2020 (photo by Simone Faccioli @Museo MA * GA, Courtesy the Artist and VAF Foundation).

On display 20 works that “speak” of the relationship between light / space / moving images.
INFO: Gallarate (Varese), MA * GA, until 8 May.

