Meindert Talma from Noordhorn continues in Slimste Mens despite an accident

Despite the accident of his parents, who had fallen from the stands in the television studio, Meindert Talma from Noordhorn has progressed one round in KRONCRV’s knowledge quiz ‘De slimste mens’.

At the introduction of the artist, presenter Philip Freriks did not say a word about the accident that had occurred earlier. Talma’s mother was injured: “Left hip to smithereens, many bruised ribs, very painful lower back,” Talma wrote prior to the broadcast on Facebook .

In his first block of three questions, Talma, who was born and raised in Friesland, immediately received a ‘Frisian’ question about the two athletes called Noppert. He took the first hit and with it seconds. He could ask a question further on The Passion type in Harlingen. He entered the final with an almost equal score with Aimée Kiene, chief of Volkskrant Magazine.


For a moment it seemed that Kiene Talma would play out of the quiz after one episode, but she stumbled over the cupcake, which she had too little about. After that, Talma was able to win cold-bloodedly with the question ‘What do you know about Michelin’. Only 5 seconds remained on the clock, but the two answers were enough to beat Kiene.

On Friday, Talma will play against two new candidates. After seven rounds of play, Jörgen Tjon A Fong, director of De Kleine Komedie, is also replaced by a new player.
