Meilandjes alarm sounds in RTL Boulevard: ‘They have to go on hold!’

The Meilandjes are rapidly losing viewers. The viewing figure fall is so spicy that RTL Boulevard opened the broadcast yesterday with a kind of emergency bell. “They have to hold be placed!”

© RTL Boulevard

Martien Meiland once said that he would stop Chateau Meiland at less than a million viewers per episode, but now that the time has come – and he is well below that lower limit – he seems a bit less certain. The day before yesterday, 648 thousand people watched and that is no longer a million with delayed viewing.

Big smile

The big problem according to RTL Boulevard? Chateau Meiland is far too behind. The day before yesterday, viewers were watching events from February and March, which have long been covered in the media. For example, we saw the book presentation of Maxime Meiland and her performance in Humberto Tan’s talk show.

Tina Nijkamp says in the show section that this feels too much like a repetition and that it is not favorable for the viewing figures. Presenter Daphne Bunskoek: “A month after the festive opening of Code Rosé, you would now expect to see the Meilandjes serving croissants at breakfast with a big smile in the reality series, but the opposite is true.”

Squeezed out a bit

We have already seen the opening of the Code Rosé guest house on TV everywhere, but, as Daphne says: “In Chateau Meiland, work is still being done in an empty guest house and the viewers were even presented with images from February and March yesterday, which leads to to great surprise.”

Reporter Aran Bade: “They are being squeezed a bit by Talpa at the moment, because 16 to 18 episodes are being made, but I don’t think it’s strong. It actually undermines the entire Meiland brand. At a certain point it is so behind that you have the feeling as a viewer that you are watching a rerun.”

One minute fun

You now want to see how the guests are in the guest house, says Aran. “It falls apart too much. When you see that Maxime is very nervous about going to Humberto, then I think: guys, that’s fun for one minute, but it was eight minutes that she had a stomach ache, that she had problems and had to go to the toilet. Yeah, that’s just not good anymore.”

Aran thinks that the Meilandjes should be ‘on hold’ for a while. “The ratings are also getting exciting; 648 thousand viewers yesterday. Martien once said: ‘If we fall below a million with postponement, we will stop.’ That opportunity is quite present this week.”
