Meike (13) would have liked to walk for four days: “But Tuesday was very warm”

1/2 The starting ticket has arrived: the modified Four Days Marches can start for Meike (own photo).

Just stand on it. Running 50 kilometers for four days in a row as a 13-year-old. Meike Gijsbertsen from Sint Hubert would have liked to take up that challenge, but the heat dropped the first day. “Of course I wanted to walk all the way through the Four Days Marches, but it was also very hot on Tuesday to walk.”

Profile photo of Hans Janssen

So Meike could sleep in again on Tuesday morning. This Wednesday morning the alarm went off early. The debutante didn’t really mind. “Fifty kilometers may be a lot and I will be very proud if I have made it.”

It was almost inevitable that Meike would take part in the Four Days Marches. Her grandfather and an uncle have already participated in the international event a number of times. Her father Sebastian Gijsbertsen even started for the fifth time. Meike started walking with him in December. To practice, because you must have enough training kilometers in your legs.

“Sometimes I ask my father to slow down a bit.”

“I thought it would be nice to gain that experience myself,” Meike says about her motivation. Gradually, she prepared for the feast. “I started with ten kilometers and that has gradually become more. In a few weeks I walked four times fifty kilometers. I didn’t do it four days in a row beforehand.”

She has always practiced with her father. Among other things, they explored part of the dreaded Zevenheuvelenweg and once even walked a bit early in the morning. “It goes well together. Sometimes it’s hard to keep up with him. Then I just ask if he wants to walk a little slower. In the meantime, he also gives me tips.” For example, about the prevention of blisters? Well, Meike is not afraid of that. “Just tap well.” She also has good running shoes.

Meike is relaxed about it. Maybe because her dad is around, or is it the running genes? The fact that sports has been a great hobby for years probably also helps.

From the moment it was possible, Meike kicks the ball. Until the past season at SV DWSH ’18. With boys, because the club in Sint Hubert does not have a separate girls’ or women’s branch. WVV Constantia does and that is why Meike makes the switch to the Wanroijse football neighbor. But we are not there yet. All her attention is now focused on the running out of the three-day event.

“You do lose a lot of time practicing.”

Meike is really looking forward to it, although she doesn’t think she will be at the start again. “Not because it’s not fun, but you spend so much time practicing.”

She sees the fact that she has to get up at two o’clock every morning as a lesser obstacle. “We will have to start between four and four thirty. That does mean that I have to be in bed at seven o’clock every night. But first I’ll make sure everything is packed with my father. So what do I take with me? A bottle of water, energy drink, bananas, a Mars, a cucumber and gingerbread.”

And what is the role of mother Mariska actually? “It is located at various places along the route and ensures that my hair is braided every day.”
