Mehmet Büyükekşi, President of the Turkish Football Federation, published a message before the 2022-2023 season.

Stating that all actors should be made valuable for the development of Turkish football, Büyükekşi continued as follows:

“We are waiting for matches with a high level of excitement and competition, a busy football season. Let’s make the maximum effort to raise Turkish football to the highest levels, let’s act responsibly and hand in hand so that it can reach the place it deserves in the world. There can be mistakes in football, as long as there are no deliberate decisions. Our football can rise if we act without prejudice and trust everyone. For this, we want to contribute to the brand value with a fair, honest and transparent management. If we, as all stakeholders of football, show love, respect and value to each other, the brand value of football will be that. An environment where football is discussed, not referees and problems, will add value to that league.”

Emphasizing the need to pay special attention to Fair-Qlay, the President of TFF said, “As TFF, we are taking another important step in this regard. We have decided to establish the Fair Play Board, which has not been formed for many years despite our instruction, in our board of directors. This board encourages Fair Play. It will undertake a very important mission in rewarding and rewarding. We will share its details soon.” made its assessment.

Reminding that it will be a special season due to the 100th anniversary of the Republic, Büyükekşi concluded his words as follows:

“Finally, success, health and happiness to our clubs representing our country in Europe, to all our teams that will take part in our leagues, to everyone who contributes to football, especially to our coaches, footballers, referees, observers and representatives, and to you, our esteemed football fans. I wish you a season full of happiness. I wish the new season to be full of unity and solidarity, good, auspicious, productive, successful and full of football love, I offer my respects to everyone.” used the phrases.
