Meghan Markle is not suing South Park. At least for now

meghan Markle and prince Harry have chosen the American magazine Newsweek to announce, through their spokesperson, that do not intend to launch any legal action against the creators of South Park. The popular and irreverent animated series focused an entire episode on the Sussexes, ruthlessly teasing them and leaving the duchess, according to rumors, shocked by the treatment she suffered.

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry in the series “South Park”. (IPA)

Meghan Markle: unfounded rumors about South Park

The Sussex spokesman, who have sued several British newspapers in recent years, defined absolutely «boring and unfounded» the speculations made in recent days by the media on the possible «legal ramifications» of the episode in question. But he did not answer questions about reactions of Harry and Meghan to the scenes and jokes involving them or that their lawyers would now be monitoring each episode in case of further abusive treatment.

But Meghan Markle was really offended?

The same spokesman did not take the opportunity to deny the rumors that Meghan would have been shocked by the sarcasm shown by the authors of the program, so much so as to put her lawyers on alert. In the recent episode, the Sussexes are defined as “The Idiot Prince and His Stupid Wife”ironically engaged in a «international privacy tour» while constantly asking to be left alone.

The creators of South Park they sleep peacefully

The team of authors who have been producing the popular American animated series since 1997 claim they have nothing to fear from the Sussex lawyers. They would never have aired the episode, they say, if their own lawyers hadn’t assured them one hundred percent of the legality of the satirical content. At the end of the day it’s just jokes and the Sussexes should play along.

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The words of Meghan’s lawyer

Newsweek remember that, a few days ago, defending the duchess on the occasion of defamation lawsuit filed by half-sister SamanthaMeghan’s lawyer, Michael Kump, had invoked the right to free speechfreedom of speech: «Expressing your opinion, even criticism, is a fundamental right guaranteed by the First Amendment to the US Constitution». Words that had helped Markle on that occasion, but which are now definitely in favor of South Park.

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