Meghan Markle, because of the absence at the Coronation of Charles

THE Britons await Harry’s fleeting arrival in London for the Coronation of King Charlesthe next May 6thbut attention continues to focus on the one who will be the great absentee, Meghan Markle. And not everyone is convinced that it was the duchess herself who decided to stay in Montecito, in distant California, on what will be a historic day.

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Why doesn’t Meghan Markle go to the Coronation?

Through her journalist friend Omid Scobie, the Duchess of Sussex seems to have wanted to clarify that the reason why she would have decided to refuse Charles’s invitation to his Coronation is due to little Archie, who turns 4 on May 6th. But royal watchers speculate on the real motivations. According to some, Meghan may have been concerned about a possible negative reception from British subjects. According to others, instead there would be a hand of Kate Middleton.

Meghan Markle would have been “blocked” by Kate

Royal affairs experts such as the English author Tom Bower agree on the possible intervention of Kate, who would have personally asked Buckingham Palace to convince the Duchess of Sussex to stay at home in Montecito. Otherwise, the Princess of Wales would have forced the former actress to settle for sitting in the back rows at Westminsteraway from the rest of the Royal Family.

Meghan Markle with Carlo and Camilla at Buckingham Palace, May 2018 (Getty Images)

Kate isn’t the only one who has breathed a sigh of relief

At court the Royals welcomed the news of Meghan’s absence with relief. None of them will soon forget the heavy accusations leveled against the Windsor clan, including King Charles himself and Queen Camilla, in the autobiography Shoot. And yesand had they found themselves in the presence of the former actress they would have avoided her as they will with Harry.

The prince does not was invited to Buckingham Palace after the sacred rite at Westminster, and will not attendto at the return procession, lest he reveal the behind-the-scenes and related conversations in a future book.

Actually Meghan Markle would have liked to be there

His presence would inevitably have monopolized the attention of the media in a historic event which should, instead, be entirely focused on Carlo, Camilla and the future of the Royal Family. But according to sources close to the Sussexes, during the long negotiations between Buckingham Palace and the dukes’ villa in Montecito, Meghan would have called all of King Charles’s requests unacceptable.

Buckingham Palace to Harry and Meghan: «Come, but be invisible»

Meghan would not have particularly liked one of the “clauses” that they would have imposed on the Sussex at court in the invitation sent at the insistence of Charles himself. If they had decided to go to the Coronation, they should have done everything to keep away from the cameras.

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Furthermore, the King had already barred her and Harry from the balcony of Buckingham Palace, as no longer working Royal. And he refused to give little prince Archie – as he did with his cousin Louis – an official role during the two processions and the Coronation rite. Under these conditions, Meghan said no.

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