Meghan and Harry thought they were the cream of Hollywood

TV personality Nick Ede, who describes himself as Meghan’s former friend, tells his view on what kind of people are respected behind the scenes.

Harry and Meghan left the British court in 2020. PDO

Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan changed scenery in 2020 when they left the British court and moved behind the scenes.

Harry and Meghan live in a luxurious mansion in the residential area of ​​Montecito, California. The couple’s neighbors include Oprah Winfrey and Ellen DeGeneres.

A TV presenter who describes himself as Meghan’s former friend Nick Ede claims he thought the couple were the cream of Hollywood. He believes the couple overestimated the amount of influence they had after moving to the United States.

– I think the thing is that you forget that royalty in Hollywood is not some with a title. They are Jennifer Lopez, Sharon Stone, Beyoncé or the Kardashians. There are their royals, Ede commented to the Express publication.

According to Eden, on the other hand, the Obamas and the Clintons also belong to this “top caste”. According to him, the people in office, with the exception of Donald Trump, are respected.

– I think they (Harry and Meghan) came in and thought they were number one in their area, but they really aren’t. They’re pretty low in that pecking order. I think it has been their problem that they have separated from the court, says Ede.

Harry and Meghan’s life changed in one fell swoop when they moved from their UK home Nottingham Cottage. Meghan has described her new life as making her feel free.

Harry and Meghan’s documentary series released on Netflix has spoken.

Source: Mirror and Express
