Mega pay increase at Defense: up to 20 percent more for lower ranks | Inland

This is stated in the new collective labor agreement, on which the Ministry of Defense and the trade unions reached a provisional agreement on Tuesday. The wage structure for defense employees is being completely overhauled. Soldiers will soon be able to get promoted more quickly. The cabinet hopes that the Ministry of Defense – which is struggling with a huge staff shortage – will become a more attractive employer.

The new collective labor agreement applies from 2021 to 2023. During that period, the salary of all military personnel will increase by 8.5 percent. In addition, every defense employee receives a one-off payment of 1750 euros. The allowances for exercises, broadcasts and commuting will rise sharply. The basic wage within Defense will be at least 14 euros per hour. Civil servants will also receive a pay rise.

State Secretary Christophe van der Maat (Defence) is ‘happy’ with the result, he says. “We are taking a solid step forward with this, for current and future employees,” he says. The new collective labor agreement had ‘top priority’ for the cabinet. The cabinet had earmarked half a billion euros this year for better working conditions.

State Secretary for Defense Christophe van der Maat on arrival at the Binnenhof for the weekly Council of Ministers.

State Secretary for Defense Christophe van der Maat on arrival at the Binnenhof for the weekly Council of Ministers.

The defense unions are also satisfied with the result. “This total package shows respect and appreciation for Defense personnel,” says Jan Kropf of the ACOM union. “The basis is in order and better compensation is given in the case of operational deployment.” FNV is also positive. “We have worked hard on it,” says Sven Schuitema of FNV Overheid, Marver and AFMP. “It is now up to the members to judge this result. They had to wait long enough, but I think this result was worth the wait.” Jean Debie of the VBM union speaks of a ‘decent pay increase’.

In the coming weeks, union members will be able to say whether they agree with the negotiated outcome. The agreements can then be finalized in July. Defense currently has 9000 vacancies.
