Meeting of government leaders and SG NATO in the run-up to NATO summit Madrid | news item

News item | 10-06-2022 | 17:00

At the initiative of Prime Minister Rutte and his Danish colleague, Prime Minister Frederiksen, a meeting will take place on Tuesday 14 June 2022 at the Catshuis in preparation for the NATO summit in Madrid later this month.

NATO Secretary-General Stoltenberg and heads of government from seven NATO countries are taking part in the meeting. In addition to the Netherlands and Denmark, these are President Johannis of Romania, Prime Minister De Croo of Belgium, Prime Minister Morawiecki of Poland, Prime Minister Kariņš of Latvia and Prime Minister Costa of Portugal.

During a working dinner, the heads of government will discuss the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the security situation in the world and NATO 2030 in preparation for the NATO summit in Madrid.
