Meeting dr. Nassau College after fatal accident Ekehaar: ‘There was sadness, deep sadness’

Students and teachers of Dr. Nassau College Quintus in Assen gathered this afternoon to reflect on the fatal accident in Ekehaar on Monday night. A girl who attended that school was killed.

Three of the injured are also students of Dr. Nassau College. A fourth injured person was at the Quintus location until last school year. Yesterday, director Ralf Buiter announced that a meeting was being organized to discuss the events. People from Victim Support and welfare organizations were also present.

“The purpose of the meeting was of course to come together, to be able to share grief after that terrible accident,” says Buiter after the meeting. He experienced it in a way that can be guessed. “There was sadness, deep sadness. And there was defeat. There were also a number of relatives of the deceased girl and you saw the sadness in their eyes. A very sad day for the families involved, but certainly also for our students and colleagues,” he concludes.

Also next week – when the new school year starts again – attention will be paid to the accident.
