Meeting between Spalletti and Soncin

Today in Coverciano the first meeting between the two Azzurri coaches who have known each other for some time because Soncin was a young striker of the former Napoli coach at the time of Venezia

Luciano Spalletti’s blessing also arrived for the new direction of the women’s national team. In Coverciano – where Andrea Soncin’s Azzurre are preparing for their debut in the Nations League -, there was in fact the first meeting between the two new technical commissioners, who have known each other for some time because Soncin was a young striker for Spalletti at the time of Venezia (1999/2000 season). “At 64 years old, I am a long-time coach – said Spalletti in the Aula Magna, addressing the 29 players called up and the staff –, when I started it was almost impossible to see women playing, but it was also difficult to see them in the stands. Finding myself here today talking to you makes me reflect on how far we have come and on the fact that the credit goes above all to athletes like you. Be proud of it, by playing for Italy you have the chance to make an entire country happy but also to continue to demonstrate how women’s football makes this sport complete and inclusive.”


The meeting was introduced by a video message from FIGC president Gravina, who underlined the concept of the “only blue team” relaunching the hope of “recreating great enthusiasm towards Italian women’s football”. From this point of view, however, feedback from the field will also count. The new Italy will begin its journey on Friday (22 September) in St. Gallen against Switzerland, while on 26 September in Castel Di Sangro – free entry to the Patini stadium – they will welcome Sweden, third in the last World Cup.
