Meerkamper Pieter Braun has had enough after the umpteenth injury and stops

The sporting career of Pieter Braun from Terheijden is over. The 29-year-old all-rounder is tired of the many injuries. Three weeks ago, that happened to him again at a match in Italy. “I have thought about it and I am 100% behind my decision to stop. It’s time to let my body heal.”

Braun was surprisingly seventh at the 2019 World Championship. With a view to the Olympics, he was given opportunities. Braun was too injured to participate in Tokyo last year after the Games were postponed due to the corona pandemic.

With all athletes announcing their schedule for the coming summer, Braun has other news on Instagram. “I quit.”

“I’ve thought about it carefully and now I’m going to prepare for the rest of my life.”

Braun says he had a good feeling for his, what now appears to be the last game. “I had worked hard and it was not in vain.” Until he got injured again.

“I want to thank everyone who has helped me over the past few years and got me out of the pit when it was necessary. I’ve thought it through carefully and now I’m going to prepare for the rest of my life.”

ALSO READ: Meerkamp Pieter Braun not to Olympic Games: ‘Don’t make it to the finish’
