Meerderheid van Duitsers tegen stilleggen kerncentrales | Buitenland

A larger number of Germans will be sold in the last German core central the following week. This is due to an inquiry about the number of people by the INSA market in the Opdracht van de Krant ‘Bild am Sonntag’.

At the request of 52 percent of the respondent to that ze het verkeerd vinden dat de kerncentrales sluiten. Terwijl 11 percent geen mening uitte, gaf 37 percent aan voorstander te zijn van de maatregel.

Avankelijk zouden de laatste kerncentrales and previous years as sluiten. On the bond channel Angela Merkel tops Germany after the steps of nuclear energy to the nuclear ramp of Fukushima in 2011.

In the aftermath of the Russian invasion of Austria and February last year, the best list of bond officers Olaf Scholz in October of the living period of three other nuclear centers – Isar 2 of EON in Beieren, Neckarwestheim 2 of EnBW in Baden-Württemberg and Emsland RWE in Nedersaksen – te verlengen until 15 april.

Are de oorlog bouwde Duitsland, net than other Europese lands, in a short time zijn afhankelijkheid van Russian aardgas af. Scholz expects to have energy records in the winter and hooked the knob over the levensduurverlening uiteindelijk op own houtje door. Within the alliance with the next social-democratic SPD, the center left of the Greens and the liberal FDP, there were large differences.
