Medicine test all the news, questions, who can participate, the dates

Almost eighty thousand subscribers, two sessions and the possibility of choosing the best result

Editorial board

April 13, 2023

– Rome

The selections for future doctors have started. Today, April 13, it is the first exam session of the renewed medicine test is open. Many new features are foreseen, from the possibility of trying the exam twice to open access to fourth year students up to the name, given that it has been renamed TOLC Medicine (or TOLC Vet for veterinary medicine).

almost 80,000 registered for the medical test

I am 79356 members, a number that also includes those attempting to enter dentistry and veterinary medicine. Until Saturday 22 April there will be the first exam days, while from 15 to 25 July aspiring doctors will be able to attempt the test for the second time. For the first time the fourth grade students enrolled in the test they will be able to keep their grade in view of future university enrolment. Up until last year, fourth-grade students could enroll but the mark lapses and it was only one way for them to see how the test worked. So theoretically an aspiring doctor, convinced of his choice, can try the test four times starting from fourth grade and then using the best grade to climb the ranking.

the news of the medical test

The new Medicine test will be fully digitised, students will have a computer available to take the exam. The TOLC-Med is divided into seven topics for a total of 50 questions, ten fewer than the 60 planned so far. Applicants will have to answer a 7 text comprehension quizzes and knowledge acquired in 15 minutes. Then they will have 15 quizzes of biology in 25 minutes and 15’s chemistry for the same time. Finally there will be 13 quizzes of mathematics and reasoning in 25 minutes for a total of 90 minutes.

70% of female members

The vast majority of test takers are women: 55441, therefore 70% of the total. Over 72 thousand try the medicine test while 6906 the veterinary one. In addition to the 16192 who come from the fourth year of high school, 27625 are the students of the fifth grade and 28633 are those who have already graduated and those coming from another degree course trying to retest. After the two sessions between 31 July and 24 August, students will have to enter the universities they would like to enroll on the Cineca portal. The first ranking will be released on 5 September earlier than in previous years.

the closed number remains

The Minister of Health, Horace Schillaci, reiterated that there is no intention of exceeding the limited number but also that “from this year on, the number of registrants will grow by 20-30%”. The students, however, protest against the limited number and have organized a garrison at the ministry and some initiatives until April 22 in the various test locations. Union of Students and Student Network declare that they consider this system “detrimental to the right to study. The only motivation for maintaining this system is not to invest in university education. We contest the irrationality of a system that relies on TOLC-Med by determining rankings with non-predetermined criteria and known by the candidates”.
