Medical unions attack the idea of ​​increasing mandatory guards up to 60 years

05/03/2023 at 2:20 p.m.


The organizations criticize “the lack of progress” in the negotiation with the Ministry of Health and consider that some of their main demands are not reflected in the update of the Framework Statute

Convulsion between the health unions for the reform of the Framework Statute of the statutory staff. If last week, they got up from the negotiating table with the Ministry of Health to update the text in the face of “the lack of progress, this Wednesday, medical unions have lashed out at the department that directed by José Manuel Miñones at the expense “of the possible increase in the compulsory nature of the additional working day, that is to say of the guardsfrom the current 55 years to 60 years”.

“The guards fundamentally affect doctors and physicians and this measure would be the straw that broke the camel’s back. the patience of the medical profession“This is indicated in a joint statement by AMYTS, the Euskadi Medical Union (SME), the Navarra Medical Union and the regional representatives of CESM (State Confederation of Medical Unions) in Aragon, La Rioja and Galicia. They consider it “intolerable that the Ministry of Health simply Consider raising the age for mandatory guard duty“.

Internal promotion

As reported by the CCOO on the last meeting held with the Ministry -on April 27- throughout the different conferences and meetings “There has not been enough progress in the negotiation.” The unions have been waiting for they are summoned to a new meetingwith a new proposal. Because, in the last one, his main claims were not addressed.

File image of a protest by doctors in Madrid. | EPE

They complain that after more than eight months of negotiation“the latest version of the document neglects basic claims such as provision of jobs, geographical mobility, reclassification of templates, professional career, 35-hour workday or the right to early retirement“.

“The possibility continues to be left open, as up to now, of not calling periodic job offers, which end up resulting in the precariousness that we have had,” say the unions

“The possibility continues to be left open, as up to now, not to call periodic job offerswhich end up resulting in the precariousness that we have had up to now”, indicates this trade union organization, which also criticizes that the update of the Framework Statute “does not ensure the internal promotion offer to permanent staff, as a recognized right, perpetuating the current system; in many health administrations this possibility is left in a corner, using temporary appointments“.

Image of La Paz Hospital. | EUROPE PRESS

But there is one aspect that particularly worries the trade unions. CCOO says that in the text, the Ministry considers a series of measures that suppose “a setback in rights: increase to 60 years the age to apply for exemption of nights and guards; the limitation of 15 minutes for the rest break in the day is maintained; increases the catalog of offenses and sanctions; still not considered as a night shift, the time slot from 7 to 8, among others”.

“Front rejection”

And it is about this possible increase in the age of mandatory guards, where the medical unions show “the frontal rejection of this change presented in the negotiations of the Framework Statute. It is not the only attack that threatens the medical profession. In recent days it has been known that the communities have transferred to the Interterritorial Council of the National Health System (SNS) the proposal to ‘tie’ the doctor to the place that has been formed through a MIR compulsory eight years. Something that we consider unacceptable “, they indicate in his statement.

From AMYTS, the SME, CESM Aragón, Medical Union of Navarra, CESM La Rioja and CESM Galicia indicate that they will “request the corresponding written explanations at the regional level from the Community of Madrid, the Basque Country, Aragon, Navarra, to La Rioja and Galiciarespectively, to know its clear position on these two proposals”.


This May 4, 5 and 6, they report, a meeting of professional medical unions will be held at the European level (European Federation of Salaried Physicians) together with medical unions affiliated with CESM and other non-affiliated unions. An important meeting where attendees will appreciate “decision making about mobilizations more forceful of national character to express the need for improvements in the conditions of exercise and not this serious setback that comes from the national government”.

They believe that it is currently being negotiated a reform of the Framework Statute“where the Administration is not up to the task, prolonging excessively long and opaque in time. From the beginning, with the representation of the CESM in the area together with the professional nursing union and the education union, these problems have been revealed by requesting specific treatment for doctors and physicians, either through the return to a Statute of doctors and physicians or the elaboration of a specific treatment in the reform of the Framework Statute“, they point out.

Extraordinary hours

Said request, add the medical unions, has been found from the beginning “with the position against the Ministry and other organizations that theoretically represent the group of workers, but that have suffered for decades from knowing and considering the specificities that the training and specificity of the practice of doctors and facultative entails“.

The State Confederation of Medical Unions (CESM) presented last year a survey on medical guards. Among the results, which 60% of doctors admits that he would prefer not to keep guards, although four out of ten bet to maintain the model that now exists. The vast majority considered that they are not well paid and believed that they should be charged like overtime.
