‘Medical flight could not land because of climate activists’

European Trade Association of the Business Flight Industry (EBAA) says against the NOS that a medical flight was canceled because of the demonstration at Schiphol. Román Kok, spokesman for the EBAA is furious.

The spokesman says a medical flight had to divert today because of the demonstration. He cannot give more information about the flight because of the privacy of the patient. “We therefore find this action unacceptable,” Kok told NOS.

The EBAA, the European trade association of the corporate flight sector, is angry and displeased with the action of the climate activists. According to the spokesperson, people often think of private jets as ‘the rich and famous who want to go to Ibiza’, but medical flights and repatriations are a large part of their work, among other things.

Greenpeace informs the EBAA in a response that no runways have been blocked. “The Oostbaan is still in use, according to the authorities. We regret that this flight has been diverted. This was not necessary because of our action.”
