Media Premier wants Coutinho

04/03/2022 at 00:42


When Barça signed Coutinho at the beginning of 2018 Few, if any, expected a performance so poor of the Brazilian player. The culés had disbursed a large part of the loot from the transfer of Neymar in a footballer who never finished adapting to Barcelona and that he was called to become the natural substitute for Andres Iniesta. As a culé, the carioca has played 106 games for 26 goals until a transfer came in this last winter market that could have changed his life.

The 29-year-old was leaving for a Aston-Villa where it seemed that he was going to be a substitute. After a few weeks of adaptation, Coutinho has been reincarnated as the footballer he fell in love with at Liverpool achieving four goals and several assists in his reappearance in the islands. Such has been the level exhibited by the Brazilian, various Premier League teams have already shown their willingness to acquire a player whose contract ends in the summer of 2023.

It seemed that Barça could get little or nothing from the return on the investment of 160 million that it made in 2018, but this level rise has given them an option to get some money for their battered coffers. The 40 million purchase option that Aston Villa has at the end of this season is executable, although a bit expensive for how the market is. Other clubs like Newcastle, Everton or Leicester could think about the footballer as long as Barça agrees to negotiate for a lower amount.

The culés have found a ‘gift’ fallen from the sky with this version of Coutinho that could leave them some money in the box, although they must not be neglected so that the same thing does not happen to them as with a Dembélé who will presumably leave for free this summer . The club is open to negotiating any option with those interested in Coutinho. For now, lowering its high record of more than 12 million per year allowed various signings in this past winter market.

The Brazilian’s main objective is to participate with the Canarinha team in the next World Cup. Coach Tite has regained confidence in him after several years without taking him and he is responding wonderfully. Barça is waiting to be able to negotiate a good start for its former star. In the end, it may be that Coutinho does not keep the stigma of the worst signing in the history of Barça and that said award falls on Dembele if finally it does not renew.
