Media all about Giro555 action day for Turkey and Syria

In Sound & Vision in Hilversum, the national action day of Giro555 for those affected by the earthquakes in Turkey and Syria starts at 5:55 am. The radio stations NPO FunX and NPO 3FM kick off this with a joint morning show. More than 170 well-known Dutch people, representatives from the Turkish and Syrian communities and religious leaders help in the call panel or on social media.

NPO FunX, which serves as an action channel for the rest of the day, broadcasts until 11 p.m. from the action center in Sound & Vision. Other media also pay attention to the action during the day. For example, there are special newsreels on NPO 1 and there is a live broadcast on the same channel in the evenings, provided by NPO, RTL and Talpa. The announcement of the final score can be followed on NPO 1, RTL 4 and SBS6.

The last reported standings of Giro555 are from Monday, when almost 25 million euros were received. A new standings will be announced at the start of the action day. The national action is intended to raise money for emergency aid such as shelter, clothing, medical care and food for those affected.

The last time the media came together for Giro555 was March last year when money was raised for Ukraine. Giro555 is an initiative of eleven cooperating aid organizations, including the Red Cross, Cordaid and Unicef.
