Medeleerling doodt meisje (18) op German school: “Conflict in relationele sfeer” | Buitenland

In the German town of Sankt Leon-Rot, an 18-year-old girl was brought to school for a short time. The furniture of the father is in a compact yacht, according to the police.

The drama took place around 10.20 a.m. in the Löwenrot-Gymnasium. The school has about 700 blanks and works on 85 blanks.


All agents went intensively to the father. The other blanks from the school will be sent to you before you leave, so that they can be saved quickly. At 13 o’clock an 18-year-old suspect was arrested.


The furniture is now available in the kitchen. The feet will also be affected in the relationship. A poging om het meisje te reanimeren, bleek tevergeefs.

