Medal of honor for café Wolthoorn & Co

Café Wolthoorn & Co in Groningen received the Medal of Honor from the municipality of Groningen on Sunday evening.

Councilor Carine Bloemhoff (PvdA) presented the award to owner Arnold Ensing of De Wolthoorn during the party in honor of the 100th anniversary of the café in the Ellebogenbuurt. In her speech she praised the role that the classic café plays in the city of Groningen and placed it in the same category as Martinitoren and Peerd by Ome Loeks.

With the Medal of Honor, the municipal council expresses its appreciation for people who fulfill an important position. Sometimes the Medal of Honor goes to a building: for example, restaurant Weeva on the Zuiderdiep received the award during the festivities in honor of its 150th anniversary in 2021.
