Meat less often on sale at supermarkets in the first half of 2022 | NOW

Supermarkets stunted considerably less with meat prices in the first half of this year than a year earlier. That turns out Tuesday from figures from animal welfare organization Wakker Dier, which has kept track of the advertising campaigns of a number of large supermarket chains.

Wakker Dier looked at the offers from Albert Heijn, Jumbo, PLUS, Lidl, ALDI, Dirk, DekaMarkt, SPAR, Vomar, Hoogvliet and web super Picnic.

It showed that meat and meat products were on sale a total of 8,803 times in the first six months of this year. That is 13.4 percent less than last year’s record of more than ten thousand offers. It is the first decrease since the organization began tracking meat advertising campaigns in 2015.

The decrease was greatest at Albert Heijn (-366), followed by Hoogvliet and Dirk. Several other supermarkets stunted meat prices more often. PLUS showed the largest increase (+110), followed by ALDI and Vomar.

If you look at the different types of meat, the decrease was greatest in pork (-598). Beef and chicken were down from 365 and 279 offers respectively. Meat substitutes were on sale more often, although this was a small increase of only 29 extra promotions.

Wakker Dier suspects that the increase is the result of the fact that supermarkets have signed the Climate Agreement. It states that there should be more focus on vegetable proteins, instead of animal proteins.
