Meat increase: premium cuts up 40%

In line with recent increases in meat, the price of premium cuts increased by around 40%. Thus, the price per kilo of the barbecue entrails Until recently, it was available for 1,800 pesos: now its price has risen to 2,500. For its part, the premium vacuumwhich until not long ago was available for 2,500 pesos per kilo, today is sold at 3,500. The entraña also marked a strong increase: from 1,800 to 2,500 pesos per kilo, and the steer are currently hanging around 2500 pesos.

Already at the beginning of this week, butcher shops registered price increases in several of their cuts, such as half beef (which went from 400 to 600 pesos). the kilo of Milanese It went up to 1,600 pesos, and it is likely that it will reach 1,800 in a short time. As for the roastwent from $1,260 to $1,400 per kilo. The meat businessmen anticipate that they expect them to occur new increases of between 15 and 20% between February and March.

As reported by the Vice President of the Argentine Chamber of Slaughterers and Suppliers (CAMYA), Sergio Pedace, the increases in the values ​​of the cuts have already been transferred to the butcher shops, which are making the increases little by little “because there is no money on the street.” In the meat sector, they argue that, even before the rise in prices in the gondolas, the price of the farm had a strong jump of between 35% to 40% in the Cañuelas Agricultural Market (MAG). This is due to the delay in values ​​during 2022, which were almost 50 points below 95% inflation during the previous 12 months. In fact, already in January, the sector registered significant price increases of between 15 and 20% in butcher shops.

Due to the increases, the national government is preparing a series of measures with the aim of protecting the pocket of consumers. One of them will be to apply a 10% discount for the purchase of meat with a debit card, and will maintain the prohibition to export the seven popular cuts with the highest consumption in the domestic market. This measure will be in force until December 31.

According to a survey by the Institute of Economic Studies (IEE) of the Rural Societyduring all of 2022 the standing farm destined for the local market only increased by 30% and meat for consumers did the same by 46%, while according to the General Price Index (IPC-INDEC) expresses that the inflation of the entire economy was almost 100%, leaving the price of meat below the inflationary level.

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