Measures to better manage and direct the arrival of international students | News item

News item | 21-04-2023 | 4:00 pm

Minister Dijkgraaf of Education, Culture and Science wants to take a number of concrete measures to better control and manage the number of international students coming to the Netherlands. The minister wants to introduce central management of the internationalization of universities and colleges. He also asks institutions to preserve and strengthen the Dutch language. Additional options will be created to use a numerus fixus in a more targeted manner, for example on (foreign-language) trajectories within study programmes. The new measures expressly leave room for customization, such as taking into account strategic sectors that have a great need for talented people and institutions in border areas. The Council of Ministers has agreed to send a letter about this to the House of Representatives.

The number of students from abroad has increased sharply in recent years. Last academic year, the Netherlands had 115,000 international students, 3.5 times as many as in 2005-2006. At universities, 40% of new students came from abroad (2015: 28%). In some places, this increase leads to problems with housing, high work pressure and the accessibility of training.

Minister Dijkgraaf: “The Netherlands is not an island – on the contrary, we are one of the most internationally connected countries in the world. It is therefore good that Dutch students can study abroad and international students can study here in the Netherlands. For the students themselves, but also for our society and knowledge economy. Think of the growth sectors in technology that are eager for international talent. But it must be possible to control that flow of students where necessary. Uninhibited, this leads to overcrowded lecture halls, high workload for lecturers and a lack of accommodation, and puts pressure on the accessibility of study programmes. With a long-term and targeted approach, I want to prevent the quality of our colleges and universities from coming under such pressure that this undermines our international top position. I want to support that position. In addition to an accelerator, we also need a brake and, above all, a steering wheel.”

Customization for strategic growth sectors and regional differences

The cabinet letter contains a series of instruments to better manage the arrival of international students. It involves a combination of legislation and agreements with the institutions.

Minister Dijkgraaf expressly wants room for customization when it comes to studies that train students for strategic growth sectors such as ICT and technology, and for the shortage sectors in the labor market. He also emphasizes that when developing these instruments, account should be taken of differences in the higher education system. For example, attention is paid to the specific needs of regions. Universities and colleges close to the German and Belgian border naturally have a different position when it comes to internationalization.

Management for a broad social view

Firstly, the package of measures includes a form of central management. In this way you can look at the entire education system with a consistent and broad social perspective. Think of strategic issues related to internationalization at system level, such as: what can society and the system cope with? How do we ensure that undesirable developments regarding internationalization are identified in a timely manner? How is the demand for talent developing? And how does that fit into the growth strategy of the Netherlands?

The direction gives direction to the instruments that universities of applied sciences and universities can use to better manage international student flows. If the system threatens to be endangered, the minister wants to be able to intervene. The precise form of the direction will be worked out in more detail in the near future.

Limit training capacity

Other measures concern limiting the number of students on a degree program because the maximum capacity has been reached. At present, such a ‘capacity fixus’ is only possible for an entire study programme. The more targeted use of this instrument, for example only on a (foreign language) track, increases accessibility for Dutch-speaking students.

In addition, the minister wants to be able to limit the number of students from outside Europe (EEA) if a restricted training program threatens to fill up. This way, both Dutch and European students will still have access to these courses. A so-called ’emergency capacity fixus’ should be able to absorb an unexpected and large increase in students from outside Europe.

Promoting mastery of the Dutch language

Minister Dijkgraaf also wants universities of applied sciences and universities to promote Dutch language skills among all students, including international students. A better command of Dutch increases the chances on the labor market. Moreover, there is a greater chance that students from abroad will want and be able to stay in the Netherlands after their studies.

These (language) measures will be elaborated in a new bill. The starting point that education is provided in Dutch remains unchanged. Dutch is and remains the main language, with the permitted exceptions being better defined. This makes supervision possible. Given the urgency, the minister will immediately start drafting a new bill, which can take effect in September 2024 at the earliest. The intention is to withdraw the Language and Accessibility Bill that was adopted last year. Before the summer, the minister will discuss the letter with the House of Representatives.

Good information about housing

Finally, Minister Dijkgraaf wants to make further administrative agreements with universities and universities of applied sciences before next summer – agreements that help better control and manage the number of international students coming to the Netherlands. This concerns, for example, the continuation of the agreements on targeted recruitment: for example, they should only actively recruit abroad for courses that focus on the regional labor market (shortages). He had already issued a call to restraint in recruitment in December. He also wants more international students to be actively guided to the Dutch labor market, for institutions to have Dutch as the administrative language in principle (bilingual if necessary) and for students to receive good information about housing.
