ME ripped out to restore order in restless Osdorp

After Sunday evening and Monday evening, young people are again causing unrest in Amsterdam tonight. In Osdorp fires are set and fireworks are set off. The riot police came out around 10 p.m., and they are now trying to restore order on location.

One of the residents currently calls Tussen Meer, the central street in Osdorp, a ‘madhouse’. “I was on the balcony, but they’re throwing up the fireworks, I had to go in.”

Text continues.

ME deployed for disturbances in Amsterdam-Osdorp – NH Nieuws

A police spokesperson said that the action was initially de-escalating. In recent evenings, it is said that young people were out for a confrontation and the police want to prevent that.

Around 8.30 pm it became somewhat quieter in the area, but this turned out to be short-lived. Later it got grimmer and more fireworks were set off. At 8.40 pm the riot police was alerted. They gathered at the police station on Johan Huizingalaan in Nieuw-West and drove towards Osdorp around 10 p.m.

At around 10:45 PM, the police announced that more than 20 people had been arrested for disturbing public order.

Unrest in Osdorp again – NH Nieuws

An image of a local resident shows a small fire at Osdorp city park. The municipality also had to close the fair at 7 p.m. today due to the previous disturbances in the area. So the unrest tonight will not take place on the fairgrounds, but outside it.

“It is completely wrong in Osdorp after the fair closed,” said the maker of the video earlier tonight.

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