Me Naiset: Journalist Anne Flinkkilä received a shocking diagnosis: “I have a time bomb in my head”

Anne Flinkkilä, known from the Flinkkilä & Kellomäki program, also says that she will retire in the fall.

Anne Flinkkilä received a diagnosis from the doctor, which made her realize the unpredictability of the human body. Harri Hinkka

A reporter who thought he was terribly healthy Anne Flinkkilä life changed a year ago.

– Suddenly, one side of my body went numb. My head was photographed, and an unruptured aneurysm, or bulge in the brain, was found there as a random finding. That’s how bulges are usually found. I thought that this couldn’t be possible, Flinkkilä tells Me Nais.

After more detailed examinations with the doctor, the decision was made not to operate on Flinkkilä’s bulge. At the same time, it terrifies Flinkkilä, because the surgeon had told him harshly that when the bulge bursts, almost half of the people die immediately, some on the way to the hospital, and the rest are left with something.

– Suddenly I have a time bomb in my head, and I can’t influence it in any way. I have realized how fragile and unpredictable the human body is, Flinkkilä states.

Flinkkilä says that he is involved in a study that investigates the connection between oral health and blood circulation disorders in the brain.

The arresting diagnosis is not the only revelation from Flinkkila. He also says that he will end his 37-year career at Yle in October and retire.

The supplier is known, among other things Flinkkilä & Kellomäki – about the talk show, whose production ended in May. In April, Flinkkilä told Iltalehte about his feelings about the end of his favorite show.

– Programs come and go and they have to be stopped for one reason or another. But the bad thing about this for the audience is that the whole genre of talk shows like this will end on Yelle, Flinkkilä stated to Iltalehte.

Source: We women

Anne Flinkkilä has spent almost her entire working career at Yle. Jarno Juuti
