McDonald’s and Burger King in an endless advertising war with each other

The advertising texts have been produced with the help of artificial intelligence.

Fast food restaurants are not necessarily the healthiest choice. Illustration image. Oleksandr Latkun/imageBROKER/Shutterstock

Hamburger giants McDonald’s and Burger King twist their hand in their advertisements in a rather funny way.

Several users of the social media Twitter have noticed the hilarious ads and shared pictures on the service. The ads are made with the help of artificial intelligence.

If you don’t see the embed, you can watch it from here.

In side-by-side ads, McDonald’s tells the answer given by artificial intelligence to the question “What is the world’s most iconic hamburger?”. In the adjacent advertisement, Burger King tells the artificial intelligence’s answer to the question “And what is the biggest in the world?”

According to the answers given by ChatGPT, the most iconic hamburger is McDonald’s Big Macwhile the largest (in relation to its toppings) is Burger King’s Whopper.

The realism of ChatGPT has been criticized, but the creative utilization of the answers in this way does arouse hilarity.
