Mayor Purmerend wants a knife ban as soon as possible after a series of violent incidents

Mayor Ellen van Selm of the municipality of Purmerend wants to introduce a knife ban as soon as possible after the series of violent incidents in her city. There are at least four stabbings in Purmerend this month been, in addition, two violent robberies took place in a very short time and a hand grenade was found at a festival site. The knife ban should have a preventive effect, but the APV will not come into effect until after the summer holidays at the earliest.

Due to the stabbings, violent robberies and the discovery of the explosive in Purmerend, the unrest in the city is growing. Mayor Van Selm also notices this. What strikes her is that young people are mainly involved in the most recent violent incidents.

On July 1, two boys are with one stabbing got wounded. The victims are 15 and 17 years old and both had to be taken to hospital. On Tuesday evening, a child of 14 abused, threatened and robbed by a group of boys. And Thursday evening it was hit again when a 17-year-old boy injured in a stabbing.

Suspects were arrested fairly quickly in the stabbing incident at the beginning of this month and the robbery this week, the mayor said. The police also arrested a 15-year-old suspect tonight on suspicion of involvement in the stabbing incident at the Dotterbloem in which a 17-year-old teenager was injured. Multiple arrests are not ruled out.

‘Not always the same groups’

Although the police have an idea of ​​the possible perpetrators, there are concerns about the series of violent incidents. “We can’t get there at the front,” says Van Selm. “The young people have a lot of online contact with each other, but they are not always the same groups. They are varying compositions.”

In order to better monitor the group, the municipality will intensify collaborations in the neighbourhoods. “We are working with the police, youth work, welfare work and enforcement to ensure that we come into contact with people. Especially since the schools are closed now.”

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Ban on knives after summer

The city council wants to draw a line with a ban on knives. “This ban will not be able to prevent these kinds of incidents, but it clearly indicates the limit. Up to here and no further.” In addition, Van Selm calls on young people not to participate in the online calls for violence. “It is not good if the matter is stirred up. We want to prevent it, especially during this holiday period.”

The knife ban will be discussed in the council after the summer holidays. When the mayor is asked why this is taking so long, she says: “If we introduce this, then it must also last. In other cities we have seen that it must be defended if lawsuits arise. That is why we need police information and we are working hard on that.”
