Mayor: Over 130 civilians shot dead in Makariw near Kyiv

Not far from the Ukrainian capital of Kyiv, 132 civilians were found shot dead in the town of Makariv, according to the mayor.

Most of the dead were discovered in mass graves, Wadym Tokar said on Ukrainian television on Friday. Tokar blamed the crime on Russian soldiers who until recently occupied several locations in the region. The information could not be verified at first.

The village, more than 50 kilometers west of Kyiv, was about 40 percent destroyed, the mayor said. There is currently no electricity or gas supply.

Just under a week ago, the bodies of hundreds of civilians were found in Bucha, also in the outskirts of Kiev. The images caused international outrage. Kyiv also blames Russian troops for these atrocities. Moscow denies that.

also read

► Mayor: Around 700 dead in the Ukrainian city of Chernihiv

► Rocket attack in eastern Ukraine – The Russian rocket read: “For the children”
