Mayor of Terschelling shocked by boat accident: ‘Extremely sad situation’ | Inland

reactionsMayor Caroline van de Pol of the municipality of Terschelling calls the boat accident in which a speedboat and a water taxi collided at Terschelling on Friday morning as an ‘extremely sad situation’ and a ‘terrible accident’.

“As mayor of Terschelling, I sympathize with victims, the relatives, all those on board and everyone involved,” she says in a video message on the municipality’s website.

The mayor also says that he is not yet able to pass on all information, because relatives still have to be informed. “All factual information still needs to be verified and checked,” she says. “As soon as more is clear, I will definitely come back to that.”

Water taxi De Bazuin, where the Stormloper was employed, said it was ‘devastated’ by the news of the collision. The company declined to answer any further questions.

Rederij Doeksen, owner of the fast boat Tiger, also speaks of a ‘terrible accident. “Our thoughts go out to the relatives and others involved in the accident, including our colleagues,” the company wrote on Twitter. We wish them a lot of strength in this difficult time. As a token of sympathy, all ships today sail at half mast.’
