Mayor of London rejects Harry and Meghan invitation | royals

Khan turned down the request because of “logistics problems,” writes the British daily the Daily Mail. For example, the mayor would have a busy schedule and it would take an hour and a half to get from his party in Hollywood to the couple’s spacious villa in Montecito (California).

However, the paper suggests that the mayor would not want to get involved in the family disputes that would have arisen after Harry and Meghan relinquished their royal titles and relinquished their royal duties. A few days after the visit to the United States, he saw Prince William and Queen Elizabeth. Khan spoke to William, who he is friends with, at the FA Cup final and Queen Elizabeth at the opening of the Crossrail infrastructure project.

A spokesman for the Archewell Foundation, the charity of Prince Harry and Meghan, would not deny that Khan has rejected an invitation from the couple.
