Mayor of Bloemendaal caught as a ‘burglar’

An observant resident of Aerdenhout saw a suspicious man strolling through the neighborhood with a pair of pliers in his hand last night. The resident did not hesitate for a second and called the police. After a thorough search, the officers located the suspect. To their great shock, it was not a burglar, but the mayor of Bloemendaal.

“It has something special when a police car jams you full in the headlights,” writes Mayor Roest on Facebook after his arrest.

After the report of the observant resident, the police immediately took action. All escape routes in the neighborhood were closed off so that no one could escape. The neighborhood was then combed meter by meter. After 45 minutes of searching, the agents managed to find and arrest the unsuspecting mayor.

Waste squeezer

The mayor managed to convince the officers that he was not on the crooks’ path at all, but was simply walking around. He had not yet reached his daily tax of ten thousand steps. “Then I’m going to go for a walk before bed,” said the mayor.

To make himself useful during the walk, he took a garbage peg with him to pick up some rubbish along the way. Fortunately, the mayor could laugh about the misunderstanding, “but maybe next time I’ll just put on a yellow vest.”
