Mayor Jorritsma appointed honorary citizen of Eindhoven during farewell

John Jorritsma was surprised with the city’s decoration on Monday evening, during his farewell as mayor of Eindhoven. Jorritsma is now an honorary citizen. He also received a royal award for his efforts.

That happened during a special council meeting, so reports Eindhoven broadcaster Studio040. During the meeting Jorritsma officially said goodbye after six years as mayor. On Tuesday, former minister Jeroen Dijsselbloem will take over and he will be installed as the new mayor of Eindhoven.

badge of honor
Jorritsma was awarded the decoration by the city council ‘for his commitment to the city and its inhabitants’. For example, Monday evening there was a lot of praise for his role in the recognition of the high-tech Brainport region. In addition, Jorritsma was praised on Monday for his plea to pay more attention to vulnerable neighborhoods in the city, and for his actions during the corona crisis.

In addition to the decoration, John Jorritsma also received a royal decoration and was appointed Officer in the Order of Orange-Nassau on Monday evening. The King’s Commissioner Ina Adema was present to pin the award on to the future former mayor.

Jorritsma is the 64th honorary citizen of Eindhoven. The decoration of the city of Eindhoven is the highest award that Eindhoven has. The city council awards this award as a thank you for exceptional services to the Eindhoven community. Recipients of the decoration may call themselves honorary citizens of the city.

ALSO READ: New mayor must work on social and liveable Eindhoven
