Mayor closes two homes in Huizen for serious safety reasons

This afternoon, two homes on the Roef in Huizen will be closed until 13 July for serious safety reasons. The neighborhood in which the houses are located is currently guarded by the special security unit of the police.

Inter Visual Studio

It concerns two homes on Roef: numbers 3 and 6. The mayor closed the homes after the police and the Public Prosecution Service announced that there would be immediate danger for the local resident. Mayor Meijer: “Obviously, such a closure has a major impact on the residents. They have since been relocated elsewhere. I do not know any details about the nature of this grave threat. However, I have been assured that keeping the houses open can pose a danger to residents and local residents. That is enough for me to proceed with provisional closure.”

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Inter Visual Studio


The residents of the buildings had to leave their homes immediately and have since moved elsewhere. The use of mobile cameras is also being looked at. The local residents were immediately informed by mayor Niek Meijer, alderman Bert Rebel, the police and boas.

A police spokesperson could not say why the homes were closed.
