Mayor and race director positive about Grand Prix: ‘Little reason for dissatisfaction’

Race director Jan Lammers and David Moolenburgh, mayor of Zandvoort, look back with satisfaction on the Grand Prix weekend. Lammers showed pride in the organization and said he had goosebumps from start to finish today. Moolenburgh was pleased that the measures taken by the municipality (cafes used to close and a ban on the sale of alcohol after 3 p.m.) have had an effect.

According to mayor Moolenburgh, the bad weather could also have a favorable effect on the orderly course of the event. “I am not in favor of too hot weather. That can lead to less fun behavior. Now few things have happened that I, as mayor, would rather not see. That could very well also be partly due to the rain,” says Moolenburgh.

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Jan Lammers proud, mayor Moolenburgh satisfied. – NH News

Jan Lammers reported afterwards that he cannot imagine that Formula 1 will not return to Zandvoort after 2025. “Because we really did put something down.” It is contractually agreed that the Grand Prix will be held in the seaside resort for another two years. What happens after that is unknown. South Africa would like to get a place on the busy F1 calendar. This may be at the expense of Zandvoort.

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