May the Force be with you, Dani Vader

I met him in a hobbit picnic five years ago, between pointed ears, a lot of elves, orcs, a couple of Gandalfs. There he was: a horseman of rohanof those of the Tolkien’s Middle Earth, with chain mail and a smile of being about to make a heroic deed. She didn’t look like she had an arsenal of laser swords at home. No one would have suspected seeing him that he was going around smothering people from a distance with a wave of his hand. “The world of Darth Vader It’s more crappy & rdquor ;, it was presented with movie obviousness. That’s how I discovered that this smiling gentleman used to be asked for more selfies than the Kardashians.

He was used to people screaming when they saw him “I am your father!”. Yes, they told him. “Hopefully he doesn’t tell anyone,” his wife, Rocío Fernández, another regular on the dark side, used to say. If I don’t have children and he is my husband…”.

Many already knew him asDanny Vader”. Dani Robles, in the closest galaxies. Years ago he kept in his closet cape, armor, villain mask and a speaker with breathing from beyond the grave. He was the Darth Vader of the association Star Wars Catalunya. He passed away suddenly on Thursday – he was only 49 years old – leaving all of us who knew him in shock. The death of him will be felt by anyone who has talked to him for just 10 minutes.

“Lord Dani Robles”, was announced today at the Les Corts funeral home. Space ironies: in his life without a cape he was an air traffic controller. no trace of death stars on the resume. Without a mask, she had the face of anti-villain, complacent look, smile to say yes to everything. He only disliked you when you told him you were going to dive to some paradisiacal destination. “I always had a joke ready, a hand to lend you or a while to help whoever”, his colleagues from the association of starwars. As his wife said at the funeral: “The only bad thing we can say about him is that it was not the time to abandon us”.

General chill when sounding live the imperial march from ‘star wars’ when the coffin appeared. Tearful eyes, faces still in disbelief. “49 springs are few for the definitive journey towards that galaxy so far away&rdquor ;, shared a lifelong friend, Néstor Grañón. “Being you -he told her- such a great guy, in every way [medía metro noventa y pico]with those challenging western walks and that affliction-proof emotional chain mailto my myopic eyes you seemed invulnerable”. It looked like it, yes. Especially when you went with him to throw axes. Now the hard part remains, added his friend: “Try, like a little ‘padawan’be at the height of pivot of your memory & rdquor ;.

had a size of Darth Vader, although he always said that he was missing 15 centimeters. His brother-in-law, now president of Star Wars Catalunya. “I didn’t have to insist much -he remembers-, he always liked caped characters”. The whole family has ended up surrendering to the dark side: wife, brothers-in-law, nieces.

Dani’s Gadget Race

I think I saw him more times with a cape than without. Danny had more sci fi clothing that of the 21st century. I was already counting down the days to eurosteamcon, the next cosplay macro event of the geek agenda. He was going to be one of the “new directors of the artefacts race & rdquor ;, he announced to me a few days ago. The idea was his: the first obstacle course for radio controlled contraptions. From now on it will be called “Dani’s gadget race & rdquor ;, that’s how they renamed it after his sudden death. “Dani was a strength and a support in everything almost without doing anything –reminds him Vany Miranda, one of the organizers of the fair-. Simply by being there, you already felt that you could handle everything & rdquor ;. Next to her, one would even dare to get into a closet with the girl from ‘Poltergeist’.

I infected you delusion by osmosis It didn’t take long for me to go to his dark side. It became me ‘deep Throat’ of the amazing barcelona: has discovered me galactic canteens, witch encounters, vintage hangouts. He acted as my bodyguard events without ever asking for anything in return. No one has coughed on me since I have Darth Vader on WhatsApp. This is the fifth article where I mention it. It won’t be the last.

This year, finally, Dani taught me how to move my arm to drown people at a distance. In May he lent me his villain outfit. “Vaderese”, he called me, even if he was dragging half a cape. “In the end we will a total freak of you & rdquor ;, I trusted. I hope he looks at me with his complacent eyes wherever he is when he buys me my first lightsaber.

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I will remember you every time the imperial march from ‘star wars’. every time i go to throw axes. Every time you hear someone take a deep breath. I’m happy for the Beyond: surely you are already wondering who runs the organization of events there.

May the Force be with you, Dani Vader. You leave us more orphaned than Luke and Leia put together.
