May 1 long weekend, what to do: festivals, mini trips, events in the city

THEl 2023 he has been and will be generous with bridges and, after that of 25 Aprilhere comes the one of the May 1 which being a Monday gives you the opportunity to enjoy another long weekend. Trips out of town, short trips, events and festivals, Italy really offers a range of interesting choices depending on what kind of mini vacation you intend to do.

May 1 long weekend, what to do? A festival, why not

If the idea is to spend a day dedicated to traditions, naturally the choice can only fall on the endless festivals organized throughout the national territory.

For example, a Mantuan vaultin the province of Mantuafrom April 29 to May 1 will be held the National Exhibition of Raisin and Meditation Wineswith over 35 wineries from all over Italy that will offer their fine dessert wines.

For flower lovers, however, from tomorrow April 28th to May 1st will be able to visit Cattolica in Fiore the floriculture exhibition of the Romagna town which will be transformed into a beautiful flower garden.

Where to go for the May 1 long weekend? For example to visit Cattolica in bloom (Facebook photo)

If it’s food you’re looking for, from April 22nd to May 1st, Ascoli Piceno hosts the 19th edition of the Italian Mixed Fried Festival with Italian and international tastings of all kinds.

Mini trips with a few extra days

If you have a few more days available, then you could take advantage to visit one of the thousand hidden corners of the boot.

Among the unique experiences to live in Italy in spring are the excursions among the Monti Sibillini on the border between Umbria and Marche. Here they can be discovered the different blooms that the area offers: from the lentils of Castelluccio di Norcia to the newly blossomed orchids on Piani di Ragnolo, the plateau overlooking Sarnano.

Another idea the Cilento National Park which extends in the province of Salerno from the Tyrrhenian coast to the foot of the Campania-Lucan Apennines. The wonders here are at every step: from the remains of the Greek colonies of Elea/Velia, to the beautiful Paestum with its ancient temples.

Ponte 1 Maggio, not only Italy

If you prefer Europe to Italy, then it is definitely worth a visit Porto, the city of wine and sunset tastingsof the cod and the Francesenha, of the baroque beauty and of the azulejos.

But Greece and Provence are no different: the Chalkidiki peninsula, for example, which the Greeks call Chalkidiki, or Xalkidiki, is a place out of the ordinary, a special territory, the most precious stone of that hidden jewel that is Macedonia, a region of Greece like no other. In addition to its beauty, the territory lends itself to its excursions, beaches and cuisine.

Villages, expanses of lavender, beaches and secret coves, trekking and good food e you are immediately in Provence. The region, known for the variety of its landscapesfrom lush vineyard hills to lavender fields, is worth a visit any time of year.

And for those who stay in the city?

And for those who stay in the city, there are just as many ideas to spend even a single day away from work. Starting from the Capital the May Day in Rome is traditionally synonymous with Concertonebut there are so many things to do that you are spoiled for choice.

TO Milanhowever, to do something different you can choose between the mini Navigli cruise sailing along centuries-old waterways to discover their history.

Otherwise you can take a guided tour to the splendid Teatro della Scala, one of the most famous opera houses in the world. Or you can go to the discovery of Museum houses which are really many in the city, from Villa Necchi to the Alda Merini House Museum.

Who stays at Turin can go to the discovery of the mysteries and legends of the city: the tour of Magic Turin will introduce the more esoteric face of the Savoy city. Or he can opt for one Royal snack a snack in which the typical desserts of the Savoy capital will be the protagonists. For those who want tranquility and relaxation, they always have the opportunity to forget the chaos of the city and immerse yourself in a hot thermal pool. There are really many just a few kilometers from Turin.

