Maximum price for the GAS boat is between 350 and 500 euros Inland

The GAS control is for the local control a hand-held instrument in a very convenient way of overload – such as wild conditions, night light and slow fire – in a quick and quick manner in the pack. The wetsvoorstel, that will be ingediend by the minister of the Binnenlandse Zaken Annelies Verlinden (CD&V), maakt the opleggen van a GAS-boete eenvoudiger.

This is how the leden of the municipal police guard went to the Rijksregister and the Kruispuntbank of the Voertuigen. This means extremely efficient and quicker handling. The maximum boats sold were 350 to 500 euros. Heredoor can hardleerse overtreders have been packaged more strictly.

The weather forecast will be accepted by the sea in DéFI. The PVDA stems from the past. N-VA, Vlaams Belang and Les Engagés onthielden zich.
