‘Maxime Meiland’s story does not seem to be correct’

Wilson Boldewijn, presenter of De Telegraaf, has strong doubts about Maxime Meiland’s abuse story. “It seems more like the story is wrong than it is right.”

© Telegraaf, RTL

It has never happened before that there has been so much doubt about the alleged abuse victim in a celebrity scandal as with Maxime Meiland. She claims to have been abused by a peer at the age of 15 and has had an entire book written about it. But why did she never report it? Not even now?

Doubt about Maxime

The man who is continuously accused by Maxime of a serious sexual offense is fed up and hits back. And now the Meiland descendant is suddenly disappointed with all the attention that is being paid to this case, even though she herself has published a book about it.

Telegraaf reporter Jordi Versteegden doubts Maxime’s story. “Is what she wrote in her book correct? I think it is difficult to prove how that happened at the time,” he says in an email newspaper video.

‘It is not right’

Wilson Boldewijn, presenter at the newspaper, even has serious doubts. “Well, um, there are already several magazines that have already spoken to some people around her and from what you know now – it has not been proven yet – it does not look very good for her. It seems more like the story is wrong than right. But, I am not a judge.”

Jordi: “Me neither. I’ve noticed that with myself lately, that I heard myself in podcasts and thought: maybe I’m a bit too sharp about it. Ultimately it is up to the judge. You ask, “Will it stick to her?” Yeah, I think it will stick to her anyway. Witnesses who look back are not enough.”

To give evidence

It seems that Maxime is simply not that strong in court either, according to Wilson. “In sex crimes cases the problem is usually that there are no witnesses and there are now. That’s what makes it so precarious. A little painful perhaps. We will see. There will be a case.”
