Maxime Meiland sometimes accidentally buys a 900 euro sweater

Maxime Meiland always shops without looking at the price tags. It sometimes happens that a sweater at the checkout turns out to be 900 euros. “We’ll get our debit card out when we’re fed up.”


The criticism of the ‘assistance safari’ of the Meilandjes in the program Chateau Bijstand is not tender, but Maxime Meiland does not care. She is now enjoying her rich life again for a long time to come. In fact, she creates it in the latest Beau Monde that she doesn’t even check the price tags when she’s shopping.

900 euros

Like her parents, Maxime really enjoys her salary as a well-known Dutchman. “It regularly happens to my father and me that, out of enthusiasm, we have not looked at the price tag. Then we are at the cash register and it is: ‘That will be 900 euros.’ For something as simple as a sweater.”

Super witty, Maxime thinks so. She will eventually buy that sweater. “Then we dare not say: ‘Oh girl, hang back.’ We then get out our debit card when we are fed up.”

Gucci jacket

No, that welfare hell is really not for Maxime at all. She walks around Noordwijk in coats for which a family on welfare would have to save for four years. Her best purchase? “My bright Gucci jacket, yellow with red stitching. Such a crazy coat, I almost want to sleep in it. Every time I see him I think: wow.”

Maxime also received a nice salary for Chateau Bijstand. Does she already have something fun in mind? “Recently I looked at Chanel and saw a crazy-ni-ge bag. The black classic, but with a white stripe in the middle. Just a bit different from the black one everyone has. I’m debating whether to treat myself to it.”

To donate

And the Meilandjes wonder why everyone thinks their welfare soap is one big play. Jan Slagter has already called on the TV family to at least donate the salary they receive for Chateau Assistance. “If they want to be credible to all of us and take this subject seriously, they should hand over their wages to the Food Bank.”

The Meilandjes have not yet responded to this. All nice and nice such a Food Bank, but of course you also have something like a Chanel bag with a white stripe in the middle. Also very important.

‘How ugly!’

Below you see Maxime in her proleten coat. The response last year was already damning. “Some items are only suitable for the catwalk, including this Gucci jacket. Not everything that stands out for a brand and is expensive is wearable. Unless you’re practicing as a scarecrow or ready-over. And the carnival won’t go on either,” someone said.

And another: “So this is really the example of having no style. T*ring a bit ugly.”
