Maxime Meiland is done with ‘morally elevated’ Eva Jinek for good

Maxime Meiland has absolutely no intention of ever joining Eva Jinek’s talk show again. She does not think she is neutral enough as a presenter. “That morally exalted, dreadful…”


RTL 4 talk show star Eva Jinek was placed on the blacklist of the Meiland TV family a year and a half ago. Mater familias Erica was attacked hard in Eva’s talk show by the hostess herself and by fellow guest Chantal Janzen. As a result, the Meilandjes have since consciously opted for other talk shows to promote their trade.

Morally elevated

Daughter Maxime Meiland admits in the Weekend that Eva has been done with her forever, just like Chantal. “Yes, I didn’t like that. I’ve always really liked her, but it felt like two against one. Jinek is a presenter, so she must be neutral. But she clearly showed that she was also the opponent.”

The Weekend journalist then: “Morally elevated, that she knows what is good?”

Maxime: “Terrible, exactly that.”


At the time, Erica was under fire for describing women in a burqa as penguins. Because Maxime is also critical of Islam, numerous brands distanced themselves from her. “Emma Mattresses even demanded on Instagram that I distance myself from my mother. I thought how far do you want to go? They couldn’t say anything either. It is winning souls.”

She continues: “I wouldn’t work with Emma now. That message from her really went too far for me. It was especially strange that they were not ongoing collaborations, but from the past.”

One sentence

Meilandjes biographer Jan Dijkgraaf says that he never thought of removing the penguin passage from Erica’s book. “I read it again while editing and alarm bells never went off for me. And not with her either. I think that was because we have experienced Wim Sonneveld. He said exactly the same about nuns in the 1960s and 1970s.”

He continues in the Party: “In our youth we thought it was quite normal for nuns to be called penguins. From that background, I did not see the misery that that sentence in the book caused. I could have easily prevented it all by removing it, but we didn’t notice it.”


The spicy TV quarrel at Jinek:
