Maxime Meiland big fan of Yvonne Coldeweijer: ‘Very tough’

Maxime Meiland gets a white foot at Yvonne Coldeweijer. The least loved member of the TV family Meiland says he absolutely loves the juice queen. “She’s not afraid of anything.”

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It is important for celebrities to get in Yvonne Coldeweijer’s good graces, because the juice queen is very influential. A compliment in time helps of course. Maxime Meiland chooses in an interview with Thank you even for a whole shower of compliments.

‘Yvonne very tough’

Maxime says it is ‘important’ that there are types like Yvonne. “Yes, because it counterbalances the old-fashioned media, which sometimes deliberately do not report things out of favoritism.”

Ah, a bit of what the Meiland family also benefits from when family friend Evert Santegoeds sits at the Shownieuws desk, for example. Maxime continues: “Yvonne is totally independent; she has nothing to do with anyone and is not afraid of anything. I like that attitude, I find her very tough.”

Nothing to fear

Yvonne mainly makes mincemeat of famous men who cheat. Rightly so, says Maxime. “Cheating is bad, and if you’re known, you just know you’re at risk of this coming out. Everyone is now afraid of Yvonne, so she is often put in a bad light, but I think: if you don’t do anything wrong, you have nothing to fear, right?

According to Maxime, Yvonne sometimes forwards messages to her to check whether it is correct, such as last year, when juice channel Juice Channel wrote that she was in financial distress because she had sold her car.

‘I like it very much’

According to Maxime, Yvonne has good contact with her. “’Girl, this isn’t true at all, is it?’, Yvonne sent me, to which I responded: ‘Nope, I just bought a new car.’ And then she posts that to rectify it, which I really like.”
