Máxima helps Ukrainian refugees with special website

Ukrainian refugees in the Netherlands need information on matters such as housing, public transport, education, medical care, work and legal support. The new website refugeehelp.nl is the online starting point for refugees themselves and anyone who wants to work for them.

In conversation

The launch will take place in Rijswijk at the registration location Haaglanden for refugees from Ukraine. During the visit, Queen Máxima spoke with a number of refugees and other stakeholders about how the website came about and the ambitions for the future.

Website Máxima helps refugees

Since Ukrainians are allowed to travel freely in Europe, the refugees do not have to apply for asylum. But only when they register, it becomes visible that they have arrived in the Netherlands. As a result, the refugees often have no idea where they can go for help, reports the Red Cross† The new website that Máxima is launching should help with this. Here they can look for shelter, care, clothing, food, transport, work and education.

For all refugees

The website is currently available in four languages ​​(Dutch, English, Ukrainian and Russian), but according to the director of the Council for Refugees, Frank Candel, the intention is to increase the number. This makes it easier for all refugees to find their way in the Netherlands.

For this occasion, Máxima wore a bright red asymmetrical suit, with a matching long coat, clutch and heels:

Queen Máxima is in conversation during the launch of the website.Image Brunopress

Queen Máxima is in conversation during the launch of the website.  Image Brunopress

Queen Máxima is in conversation during the launch of the website.Image Brunopress

Our royalty reporter Rick Evers took an exclusive look behind the scenes:

Source: Royal houseTwitter

March 18, 2022
